Vanessa Morata


Born in Malaga, Spain,1992. Currently based in Spain.

Vanessa Morata is a visual artist graduated from the Fine Arts of Malaga. She is alerted of the social issue raised from over population and abusive consumption, and attempted to criticize these problems in a cryptic aspect, hiding her message under the seemingly friendly aesthetic. Morata uses a wide range of popular cultural reference, introducing iconic characters from cartoons to contemporary art which are staged in complex interiors. Her works are visually and ideologically a puzzle waiting for the audiences to solve.

1992年出生於西班牙馬拉加。 目前居住在西班牙。

Vanessa Morata是畢業於馬拉加美術學院的視覺藝術家。她非常關注人口過剩和濫用消費而引發的社會問題,並嘗試以隱晦的方式批評這些議題,將她的訊息隱藏在看似友善平和的審美之下。藝術家大量使用了為人熟知的流行文化參考,將卡通動漫和當代藝術的一些標誌性角色融入到作品中,放置這些人物在物品繁瑣的室內空間中。Morata的作品在視覺上和思想上都是一個等待觀眾解開的拼圖。

  • 2023
    Existential | Thinkspace Projects, Antler Gallery and Talon Gallery | Portland, OR
    New Origins: Level Unlocked | Andrea Festa Fine Art | Rome, Italy
    ‘LAX / AMS’ Thinkspace x STRAAT | Thinkspace Projects & STRAAT Museum | Amsterdam, Netherlands
    Nexus IV: Raiz | Thinkspace Projects | Glendale, CA

    Transformation | AISHONANZUKA | Hong Kong

    Collective Madrid | Adda & Sarto | Paris, France

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