
Imon Boy / Julio Anaya Cabanding / Katelyn Ledford / Vanessa Morata
8 Dec - 30 Dec, 2022

AISHONANZUKA is please to announce our new group exhibition “Transformation”, showing works by Imon Boy, Julio Anaya Cabanding, Katelyn Ledford, and Vanessa Morata. The exhibition will be on view from 8 December to 30 December, 2022. In this exhibition, our artists are transforming inorganic paintings into organic stories with various perspective and techniques, enjoy yourselves in the show with different angles!

AISHONANZUKA 欣然呈獻群展《轉化》,展出 Imon Boy、Julio Anaya Cabanding、Katelyn Ledford、以及Vanessa Morata四位藝術家的作品。 展覽將於 2022年12月8日開放至12月30日。在這次展出中,我們希望能讓無機的畫作轉化為一段段有機的故事,四位藝術家將以各種不同角度 — 解構、平移、變焦 — 來表達他們的創作觀點。