Imon Boy


Born in Malaga, Spain, 1991.

Imon Boy has been creating stylised graffiti writing on the streets from the age of 13. From graffiti to references of video games, anime, music and films to animals and the beach, Imon Boy translates everyday experiences that have accompanied him throughout his life, using them to evoke a sense of humour and resonance among numerous challenges we encountered in ordinary life. 

Imon Boy rebels against the graffiti tag: He strives to step out of the design norms for graffiti and infuses new ideas from his studies at Faculty of Fine Arts in the University of Malaga into his work. His origins as a graffiti artist results in police presence in his work, often a friendly portrayal as irony. The eternal game of cat and mouse, the secrecy and the nightlife that accompany this illegal activity, are the foundations for his creativity.

Imon Boy's artistry is a visual symphony of colors, a celebration of life seen through the prism of the urban landscape. Through art, Imon Boy explores the omnipresence of digital life. His figures are portrayed in the glow of laptops, mobile phone screens or moonlight. They watch internet memes, video games and social media, and the perspectives he creates are flat and screen-like too. Imon Boy often replicate the same scene in various cinematic perspectives, much like film footages or the endless scroll of social media feed, echoing a contemporary world still longing for authentic connection.

1991 年出生於西班牙馬拉加。

Imon Boy自13歲起就開始在街上創作風格化的塗鴉寫作。從引用電子遊戲、動漫、音樂和電影,以至動物和海灘,Imon Boy將他的日常經歷化為塗鴉,以幽默喚起我們對日常生活中的眾多挑戰的共鳴。 

Imon Boy抗拒「塗鴉」這個標籤:他志在走出塗鴉的設計規範,並將他於馬拉加大學美術學院學到的新知注入到作品中。 他塗鴉藝術家的出身令他的作品中常出現警察—畫塗鴉就是一場無止境的貓捉老鼠遊戲。畫作中的警察形象通常是友善的—Imon Boy總愛幽他們一默。 塗鴉生涯這種鮮為人知的夜生活,是他創作的靈感來源。

Imon Boy的作品是一場場色彩視覺饗宴,在城市景觀作背景下頌讚生命。 Imon Boy在作品中探討了無處不在的數碼生活—畫中人總是沐浴在各種大小螢幕或月光的光芒中。 他們觀看網絡迷因、遊戲和社交媒體,創造出如螢幕一般的扁平構圖。 Imon Boy經常以不同的視角重複同一場景,猶如電影分鏡或不斷滾動的社交貼文—與這個仍然渴望人與人真誠聯繫的當代世界互相輝映。

  • 2024

    El principio de algo | Centro de Arte Contemporáneo(CAC) Málaga | Málaga, Spain
    House Arrest | Yusto/Giner | Madrid, Spain

    Moon in Aquarius | L21 | Palma De Mallorca, Spain
    No Regrets | Thinkspace Projects | Los Angeles, CA

    There Is Always A Plan B | Kolly Gallery | Zürich, Switzerland
    One Day More, One Day Less | Vertical Gallery | Chicago, IL
    Cute but Cop | Yusto/Giner | Marbella, Spain

    Summer Stuff | Kolly Gallery | Zürich, Switzerland

  • 2023
    Vibrant Escape: An Ode to Summer | WOAW Gallery | Hong Kong
    Well Hot | Volery Gallery | Dubai, UAE
    Beyond the Streets London | Saatchi Gallery | London, UK

    Transformation | AISHONANZUKA | Hong Kong
    Just An Illusion | Kolly Gallery | Geneva & Zurich, Switzerland
    Unity | Volery Gallery | Dubai, UAE

    TWENTYFOUR III - What is Figurative? | Bricks Gallery | Copenhagen, Denmark
    Lax.Ord III | Vertical Gallery | Chicago, IL
    POW! WOW! The First Decade: From Hawai’i To The World | Thinkspace Projects | Los Angeles, CA
    Lucas Lobo & Imon Boy | Thinkspace Projects | Los Angeles, CA
    Tres generaciones | Galería Birimbao | Sevilla, Spain
    Aloha, Mr. Hand | Thinkspace Projects | Los Angeles, CA

    The New Vanguard III | Lancaster Museum of Art and History | Lancaster, CA
    Seven Year Anniversary Group Show | Vertical Gallery | Chicago, IL

Previous Exhibitions