Christian Rex van Minnen / Cleon Peterson / Javier Calleja

“Sublime Bodies”

6 Aug - 3 Sep 2022

AISHONANZUKA is please to announce our new group exhibition “Sublime Bodies”, showing brand new works of three artists - Christian Rex Van Minnen, Cleon Peterson, and Javier Calleja. The exhibition will be on view from 6 Aug to 3 Sep, 2022.

Christian Rex Van Minnen
Born in Rhode Island, USA, 1980. Currently lives and works in Brooklyn, USA.
Christian Rex Van Minnen works in the United States and explores many different media and types of paintings. He uses the surreal and abstract to articulate his own art language re-enacting the traditional western oil painting in portraits and still-life.
He has exhibited throughout the US and internationally and was awarded an Artist-in-Residence at Anderson Ranch Arts Center in Aspen, CO (Fall, 2017).

Cleon Peterson
Born in Seattle, USA,1973. Currently lives in Los Angeles, USA.
Inspired by his personal experience, Cleon Peterson’s chaotic and violent paintings depict a world of brute, in which clashing figures struggle between power and submission. Peterson’s works carry an aesthetics of Greek pottery, sometimes political propaganda posters, attempting to present the dark side of reality. By explicitly depicting acts of violence, Peterson hopes to highlight the overreach of authoritarian power in contemporary society.

Javier Calleja
Born in Spain, 1971. Lives and work in Spain.
Calleja’s works are filled with a diverse array of twists and interventions that bring surprise and humor to various events within daily life. As a self-professed fan of the works of surrealist master René Magritte, as well as artists Yoshitomo Nara and Chris Johanson, he references their techniques in the context of contemporary portraiture, depicting those living in the present through his characteristic appropriation of the “BIG EYE.” Things such as changes in color and shifts in scene, together with the relationship between the facial expressions of his subjects and the texts that accompany them, are aspects that the artist particularly pays close attention to in his work.

AISHONANZUKA 欣然呈獻新的群展《崇高的身體》,展示三位藝術家 — Christian Rex Van Minnen、Cleon Peterson 和 Javier Calleja的全新作品。展覽將於 2022 年8月6日開放至9月3日。

Christian Rex Van Minnen
1980 年出生於美國羅德島。目前在美國布魯克林生活和工作。
Christian Rex Van Minnen 在美國工作,並致力於探索各種不同的創作媒介和繪畫類型。 他用超現實和抽象的風格來表達自己的藝術語言,並在肖像和靜物繪畫上重現西方傳統油畫的精髓。
他曾在各個美國和國際展覽上展出,並曾經擔任美國科羅拉多州斯諾馬斯村的安德森牧場藝術中心 (Anderson Ranch Arts Center)的常駐藝術家(2017年秋季)。

Cleon Peterson
1973年出生於美國西雅圖。 目前居住在美國洛杉磯。
受其早年經歷的影響, Peterson 所創作的充滿暴力的畫作描繪了一個混亂而野蠻的世界;在這個世界中,各個互相敵對的人物在權力和屈服之間掙扎求存。這位藝術家的作品既帶有古希臘瓷器的美學,但同時也是現代的政治宣傳海報,試圖呈現現實的陰暗面。 通過明確描繪暴力行為, Cleon Peterson 希望觀者能關注當代社會威權權力的過度擴張。

Javier Calleja
1971 年出生於西班牙。現於西班牙生活和工作。
Calleja 的作品總是有如在大街旁邊隱藏的深幽小徑般,為日常生活中的平凡時刻帶來意想不到的驚喜和幽默。作為自學超現實主義大師雷內·馬格利特(René Magritte)以及當代藝術家奈良美智和克里斯·約翰遜(Chris Johanson)作品的粉絲,他在當代肖像畫的背景下引用了他們的技術,通過對「大眼睛」的特色挪用來描繪生活在當下的人們。色彩的變化、場景的變化,以及人物的面部表情與伴隨的文字之間的關係,都是藝術家在作品中特別關注的細節。