Jay Gard, Mark Whalen, Travis Louie


15 Mar - 13 Apr, 2024

AISHONANZUKA will be presenting group exhibition "INTERSECTIONS" juxtaposing works by Jay Gard, Mark Whalen and Travis Louie this spring. “Intersections” will be on view from the 15th March to 13th April, 2024. We invite you to immerse yourself in this captivating interplay of diverse nationalities and artistic voices.

At intersections, individuals and their ideas converge and influence one another—at this intersection of artists one may find their covergence of different elements in the works fascinating. Gard pairs different materials and textures to crystalize aesthetic simplicity; Whalen stacks different faces and objects to covey humor defying dimensions; and Louie creates collages of emotions and identities inviting us to look past appearances. Life can be hard at times but these artists encourages us to emphasize what is universal to our very existence and simply live in the moment.

Gard captures the fleeting moment as geometric shapes transform, evoking curiosity. Whalen takes snapshots of the mundane instances of daily life, viewers might get to see themselves not so seriously. Louie weaves together the lives of enchanting magical creatures inhabiting his imaginative world, inviting viewers into a realm filled with charm and mystique.

AISHONANZUKA 欣然呈獻春季群展「Intersections」。展期為 2024 年 3 月 15 日至 4 月 13 日。本次群展將會展示 Jay Gard、Mark Whalen 與 Travis Louie 三位風格迴異的藝術家之作品,誠邀您欣賞不同國籍的藝術家透過藝術對話。

人走在交叉點上,他們的想法會匯聚並相互影響——在這藝術的交叉點上,作品中不同元素的堆疊令人著迷。 Gard擅於搭配不同的材質,提煉出美學結晶;Whalen堆疊不同的面孔和物體,突破空間規限以體現幽默;Louie創作情感和身份的拼圖,請我們不再以貌取人。 苦海浮生,但這些藝術家鼓勵我們求同存異,活在當下。

Gard 捕捉幾何形狀變換的瞬間,喚起觀者的好奇心。Whalen在日常生活的枯燥中帶來一瞥幽默,為之一振。Louie將住在他幻想世界中生物交織成一個迷離的神秘境界。