Hajime Sorayama
Solo Show
20 MAR - 29 APR, 2023
AISHONANZUKA is pleased to present Hajime Sorayama’s second solo show in Hong Kong since 2013.
On view from March 20 to April 29, this exhibition presents the artist’s enthusiasm on robotized creatures across 3 decades - from his 1990 paintings depicted insects as robots, the signature Sexy Robot sculpture in life-size, to his recent sculpture series of robotized Tyrannosaurus originated from Sorayama’s painting in the 80s.
Hajime Sorayama
Born in Ehime, Japan, 1947. Currently works and lives in Tokyo.
Sorayama graduated from Central Art School (Chuo Bijutsu Gakuen) in Tokyo in 1969 and started his career path as an illustrator. He is known for erotic portrayals of feminized, biomechanoid robots. This reputation was initially established in 1978 with the work series entitled “Sexy Robot”, which shocked the world for his artful depictions of sensual metallic qualities. The artist has been depicting robotized creatures including both terrestrial and aquatic animals, and dinosaurs since 1980s. He commented the dinosaurs were "childhood idols", as he still has interest and enthusiasm for them in adulthood. In 1999, Sorayama was awarded The Good Design Grand Prize from the Ministry of Trade and Industry, and the Media Arts Festival Grand Prize from the Agency from Cultural Affairs for his concept design of SONY’s entertainment robot “AIBO”. Sorayama’s designs are a blend of fine art, illustration, and industrial design, developing his unique style of Superrealism.
AISHONANZUKA 很榮幸為香港觀眾呈獻空山基自 2013 年以來在香港的第二場個展。展覽日期為 3 月 20 日至 4 月 29 日,展示了藝術家近三十年以來對機械化生物的熱愛 —— 從 1990 年的機械昆蟲畫作、到他標誌性的性感機械人雕塑系列、再到他近期的機械暴龍雕塑系列,靈感源自空山基一些八十年代的繪畫作品。
1947 年出生於日本愛媛縣。目前在東京工作和生活。
空山基於 1969 年畢業於東京中央美術學院,並投身廣告界開始了他的插畫師生涯。空山以女性化的生物機械人的性感作品而聞名,他的名氣是在 1978 年憑藉名為「性感機械人」的系列作品建立起來的,該系列作品以他巧妙的對金屬質感進行性感的人性化描繪而震驚了世界。自 1980 年代以來,這位藝術家一直在描繪機械化生物,包括陸生動物、水生動物以及恐龍。 他評價恐龍為他的兒時偶像,甚至在成年後仍然對牠們充滿了興趣和創作熱情。 1999年,空山憑着SONY的娛樂機械人「AIBO」的概念設計獲得了全國優良設計大獎和日本文化廳媒體藝術祭大獎。 他的設計融合了藝術、插畫和工業設計,形成了藝術家獨有的超現實主義風格。