Javier Calleja


20 Oct - 25 Nov, 2023

AISHONANZUKA is honoured to announce “CHIM PUM”, the third solo exhibition by Spanish artist Javier Calleja at our new art space at LANDMARK Atrium, six years since his milestone Asian debut. The show is on view from 20 October to 25 November, 2023.

Comprising a small suite of new paintings and a bigger series of mixed media works on paper, the exhibition that borrows the title from an unusual onomatopoeic Spanish expression CHIM PUM marks his return to the gallery after four years since his last solo show. Without a clear origin or exact definition, CHIM PUM is part of Spanish urban slang and, much like Calleja's imagery, has a variety of possible interpretations. Imitating or suggesting the sound of drums at the end of the song, the “chin” of the cymbals and the “pum” of the drums suggest an ending of sorts. Translating to "THAT'S IT" or even "SHUT UP," such a moment of conclusion also reveals an opportunity for a new beginning. And as someone who likes finding or pointing at the silver lining in any given situation, Calleja is indicatively announcing CHIM PUM, hoping for new, better beginnings to come.

Sometimes written as Chim Pun, Chin Pum, or Chimpum, the expression phonetically resembles Cantonese or Mandarin language, becoming an imaginary bridge between two cultures. Also symbolizing the sound of explosion, fireworks, or celebration, its meaning could also be translated as a nod to Chinese festivity tradition. This element comes to light in Calleja's new drawings, which now feature a range of floating symbols and sparkle-like forms that add a somewhat festive undertone to these immediate visual musings (Chim Pum or Imagine, both 2023). These new drawings reveal the more exaggerated stylization of Calleja's emblematic characters, transforming them further into a distinctive alphabet of his while working along the line of the "simple, but not easy" motto. Finally, with his muses curiously stating the phrase while wearing a Lichtenstein-like Bang t-shirt (Chim Pum, 2023) or wearing a self- made protective headgear while calling for vigilance (Be Ready, 2023), CHIM PUM could be experienced as an ironic soundtrack for the falling world around us. "A joke about the dangerous world we live in," as Calleja puts it.

AISHONANZUKA 榮幸地宣布西班牙藝術家 Javier Calleja相隔四年舉辦他在香港的第三次個展 「CHIM PUM」。 展覽將於2023年10月20日至11月25日假置地廣場舉行。

是次展覽Calleja帶來了數幅布本新作以及一系列紙本作品,主題為「CHIM PUM」 —— 這個具擬聲意味的西班牙俚語並沒有明確的詞源,就如同Calleja的創作意象,可以讓觀眾有不同的解讀。它既可以是開啟樂曲的鏗鏘的銅鈸聲、也可以是一曲完結時低沉的鼓音。同時,「CHIM PUM」一詞亦帶有「搞掂!」的含義,彷彿在擲地有聲地宣告大功告成,凡事總會見到曙光,並以慶典的氣氛開啟未來新篇章。

「CHIM PUM」,有時亦可寫作「Chim Pun」、「 Chin Pum」、或「 Chimpum」,如此一字多音的表達和粵語或普通話頗有異曲同工之妙,仿如中西兩種文化中編織的虛幻橋樑。「CHIM PUM」也象徵著煙火或慶祝的聲音,是藝術家對中國傳統節日文化的含蓄致敬。Calleja全新的紙本作品中散落更多火花般的圖案及符號,猶如一片鑼鼓聲中的煙花,秉持Calleja簡約而不草率的格調。Calleja新作中標誌性的繆思穿起像Roy Lichtenstein設計的襯衫(Chim Pum, 2023年)或自製的頭盔(Be Ready, 2023年),提醒我們慶祝之餘還得小心翼翼 —— 「身處這個危險的世界,這是一個苦中作樂的笑話。」Calleja如是說。