Matthew Palladino / Eric Shaw

“Busy Life In Distant Worlds”

7 May - 5 Jun 2022

AISHONANZUKA is please to announce a new exhibition “Busy Life In Distant Worlds”, a two artists group exhibition by Matthew Palladino and Eric Shaw from USA, The exhibition will be on view from 7 May to 4 Jun, 2022.

Matthew Palladino

Born in 1985 in San Francisco, lives and works in New York, USA.

Matthew Palladino began his career producing watercolor paintings on paper, transforming a stereotypically staid medium with large scale representations of colorful fabrics and gradated abstractions. Influenced by the graphic images present in the cartoons and comics of his youth, Palladino's work adopts similar grid-like arrangements, acerbic comedy, and forced perspectival flattening. In response to a frustration with the "illusion of painting," Palladino began pushing the boundaries of his practice off the page by creating plaster and enamel casts of fruits, chocolate figurines, and other quotidian objects. Though he employs simple patterns and images, Palladino skillfully arranges his compositions to enhance spatial complexities much like the work of John Wesley which rewards repeated viewing and extended contemplation.

Eric Shaw

Born in 1983in Connecticut, lives and works in New York, USA.

His works are inspired by various graphic designs, logos and signs seen all over the city, and his work is a creation of images he has seen, which he combines and continuously alter and reconstruct. He transforms the sceneries we see every day into a hybrid abstract expression by moving between reality and digital and repeatedly moderating the urban environment.

AISHONANZUKA榮幸呈獻雙人展覽《遙距世界中的精彩生活》,展出Matthew Palladino及Eric Shaw的新作。展覽將由2022年5月7日展出至6月4日。

Matthew Palladino

Matthew Palladino以水彩紙本作品開展其藝術家生涯,並巧用大範圍的彩色織物和漸變的抽象表現來改變這個傳統上被認為是古板的媒介。受到年輕時接觸的卡通和漫畫影響,Palladino的作品採用了類似的網格狀排列、尖銳的喜劇效果和視角扁平化的視覺效果。為了應對他在「幻覺繪畫」中感受到的挫敗感,Palladino開始以製作水果、巧克力小雕像和其他日常物品的石膏或琺瑯模型來突破他的創作界限。儘管Palladino使用的只是簡單的圖案和影像,但他的巧手編排增強了作品空間的複雜性,有如美國藝術大師John Wesley的作品一樣鼓勵觀眾一再地欣賞和思考。

Eric Shaw
