Niño Grande


Born in Buenos Aires, Argentina, 1989. He is now active in Bolivia.

Niño Grande met Keiko Gonzalez at his studio in 2014 and started his career as an artist, specializing in oil painting. In his most celebrated Garrafas Series, the daily gas tanks are presented as precious antiques, from Chinese dragons to Greek mythology, integrating localization and globalization, danger and fragility. The artist explores the idea of being foreign and is inspired by resignifying common objects into luxury objects and his childhood, and portrayed gas tanks as the identity of Bolivian: “messy, dangerous, but caring and vital.” With the vivid colors and striking style of his works, Grande celebrates the instability and joy of life.

Grande participated in exhibitions across Americas and Europe, including “Faux Naif” (Kiosko Gallery, Santa Cruz, 2019), “Feria Americana” (The Curators Gallery, New York, 2021), “Gastanks” (Hunted Projects, UK 2020) and “Very Important Paintings” (Frans Kasl Projects, The Netherlands, 2022) etc.


Niño Grande 於 2014 年在Keiko Gonzalez的工作室獲得啟蒙,並自此開始了他專職油畫的藝術家生涯。在他最著名的 《Garrafas》系列中,普通的汽油罐被點綴為珍貴的古董,從中國的五爪金龍到希臘的神話故事;他的作品融合了本土與國際、危險與脆弱。藝術家探索了異域風情的概念,並受到童年經歷的啟發,將普通物品重新定義為奢侈品,並將汽油罐比喻為玻利維亞人的身份:「凌亂、危險,卻又充滿關懷和活力。」Grande以其作品生動的色彩和醒目的風格歌頌生命的不穩定和喜悅。

Grande參加了從美洲到歐洲的多個展覽,包括《Faux Naif》(Kiosko 畫廊,聖克魯斯,2019年)、《Feria Americana》(策展人畫廊,紐約,2021年)、《汽油罐》(Hunted Projects,英國,2020年)和《非常重要的畫作》(Frans Kasl Projects,Eindhoven,2022年)等。

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