Henrik Godsk


©Samuel Kanu

Born in Denmark, 1975.

Danish artist Henrik Godsk creates figurative works that depict structured interiors and androgynous characters simplified by the use of geometric forms. Influenced by Scandinavian simplicity and Danish design, Godsk’s paintings adhere to a self-imposed set of rules dictating the use of reduced forms, shapes and colours. Working primarily in oil on canvas, Godsk images are reminiscent of Russian avant-garde paintings and evoke the radiance and sensuality of Paul Klee’s colour schemes. Godsk’s work is informed by formalism, art history and folkloric art and culture.

Godsk's work has been exhibited internationally including in New York, Los Angeles, Berlin, Munich, Barcelona, Stockholm & Copenhagen, and has been acquired by prominent public and private collections.


Godsk所創作的具像作品擅長以簡化的幾何形式描繪雌雄同體的人物和室內結構。受北歐的簡約風格和丹麥文化的影響,藝術家的畫作遵循一套自我強加的規則,只使用簡化的結構、形狀和顏色。 其作品受到形式主義、藝術史和民俗藝術文化的影響,並主要在布面油畫上創作,很容易讓人聯想到俄羅斯的前衛繪畫和名畫家保羅・克利(Paul Klee)的色塊作品特有的光彩和性感。


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