Cyril Kongo


Born of a Vietnamese father and a French mother, Cyril Phan spent his early childhood in Vietnam, until the fall of Saigon in 1975. During his adolescence, he lived for several years in Brazzaville, in the Republic of the Congo. Which inspired his artist name, Cyril Kongo.

In 1986, he began tagging Parisian walls to set his mark. In 1988, he joined the MAC crew, a group of Parisian graffiti artists with whom he painted from 1989 to 2001 monumental murals, particularly in the United States where he collaborated with New-York graffiti artists TATS cru.

Kongo art is based on lettering, i.e. large colorful spray-painted letters, typical of the writing trend of urban art.

Cyril Phan的父親為越南人,母親為法國人,因此直到1975年西貢淪陷前,他在越南度過了他的童年。 他少年時在剛果共和國的布拉柴維爾生活過幾年,而這段經歷也啟發了他以Cyril Kongo作為藝名。

由1986年起,Kongo開始留連巴黎的街頭進行塗鴉創作,並逐漸樹立起自己的風格。在 1988年,他加入了MAC(Mort Aux Cons),由一群巴黎塗鴉藝術家建立的團隊。從1989到2001年,他們一起繪製了多幅重要的大型壁畫,特別包括他與紐約塗鴉藝術家TATS cru在美國合作繪製的作品。


Previous Exhibitions

  • 2019
    Never Apologize | AISHONANZUKA | Hong Kong

    Mr. Colorful | Galerie Matignon | Paris, France

  • 2022
    Public Space In The Basement | Galleria Wallworks | Paris, France