Cleon Peterson


Born in Rhode Island, USA, 1980. Currently lives and works in Brooklyn, USA.

Christian Rex Van Minnen works in the United States and explores many different media and types of paintings. He uses the surreal and abstract to articulate his own art language re-enacting the traditional western oil painting in portraits and still-life.

He has exhibited throughout the US and internationally and was awarded an Artist-in-Residence at Anderson Ranch Arts Center in Aspen, CO (Fall, 2017).

1980 年出生於美國羅德島。目前在美國布魯克林生活和工作。

Christian Rex Van Minnen 在美國工作,並致力於探索各種不同的創作媒介和繪畫類型。 他用超現實和抽象的風格來表達自己的藝術語言,並在肖像和靜物繪畫上重現西方傳統油畫的精髓。

他曾在各個美國和國際展覽上展出,並曾經擔任美國科羅拉多州斯諾馬斯村的安德森牧場藝術中心 (Anderson Ranch Arts Center)的常駐藝術家(2017年秋季)。

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