Aaron Johnson


Born 1975 in St. Paul, Minnesota, USA. Currently lives and works in Brooklyn.

In 2005, Aaron Johnson received his Master of Fine Arts degree from Hunter College. His works of art strike a delicate balance between chaos and order, abstraction and figuration. Johnson explores the flexibility of patterns, forms, and colors as well as the connectivity that emerges between them by staining the naked canvas. Numerous creatures or forms appear from the pigment washes, looking evasively or even embracing each other as various hues leak from one to the next. Johnson sees his work as a profound visual experience underscored by a personal grasp of the unpredictable nature of his own psyche, paying homage to color field painting and expressionist figuration.

1975 年出生於美國明尼蘇達州聖保羅,目前在布魯克林生活和工作。

2005年,Aaron Johnson在紐約亨特學院獲得美術碩士學位。他的藝術作品在混亂與秩序、抽象與具象之間維持着優雅的平衡。Johnson通過對空白畫布進行染色來探索圖案、形式和顏色的靈活性以及它們之間出現的聯繫。許多充滿想像力的生物或形狀從顏料洗滌中出現,伴隨着各種色調從一種顏色滲透到另一種顏色。它們看起來彷彿在閃爍、甚至是相互擁抱着。Johnson將他的作品視為一種深刻的視覺體驗,強調了個人對自己心靈不可預測本質的掌控,並向色域繪畫和表現主義致敬。

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